How Can a Foreigner (Expat) Open a Foreign Currency Bank Account in Indonesia?
Indonesia’s Financial Services Authority (OJK) issued a new regulation that simplifies the opening of a foreign currency bank account by a foreign national (expat). A circular, S-246/S.01/2015 (dated 15 September 2015 and signed by OJK Chairman Muliaman D. Hadad), has been sent to all directors of Indonesian commercial banks that conduct business in foreign currencies. This new rule, part of the economic policy package that was released by the Indonesian government on 9 September, aims to boost foreign currency funds in Indonesia and support the rupiah. Currently it is rather complicated for a foreigner to open a foreign currency (non-rupiah) bank account in Indonesia as he/she needs to show various documents, including a Temporary Residence Permit Card (Kitas). Previously, OJK Chairman Hadad said other countries had already implemented such a rule successfully. The OJK, which regulates and supervises the country’s financial services sector, primarily targets ...