Banks have been using digital technologies to help transform
various areas of their business. There’s an even bigger opportunity—go
all digital.
The digital revolution in banking has only just
begun. Today we are in phase one, where most traditional banks offer
their customers high-quality web and mobile sites/apps. An alternate
approach is one where digital becomes not merely an additional feature
but a fully integrated mobile experience in which customers use their
smartphones or tablets to do everything from opening a new account and
making payments to resolving credit-card billing disputes, all without
ever setting foot in a physical branch.
More and more consumers around the globe are demanding this. Among
the people we surveyed in developed Asian markets, more than 80 percent
said they would be willing to shift some of their holdings to a bank
that offered a compelling digital-only proposition. For consumers in
emerging Asian markets, the number was more than 50 percent. Many types
of accounts are in play, with respondents indicating potential shifts of
35 to 45 percent of savings-account deposits, 40 to 50 percent of
credit-card balances, and 40 to 45 percent of investment balances, such
as those held in mutual funds.1
In the most progressive geographies and customer segments, such as the
United Kingdom and Western Europe, there is a potential for 40 percent
or more of new deposits to come from digital sales by 2018.2
Many financial-technology players are already taking advantage of
these opportunities, offering simplified banking services at lower costs
or with less hassle or paperwork. Some upstarts are providing entirely
new services, such as the US start-up Digit, which allows customers to
find small amounts of money they can safely set aside as savings.3
A new model: Digital-only banking businesses
While it’s important for banks to digitize their existing businesses,
creating a new digital-only banking business can meet an evolving set
of customer expectations quickly and effectively. This is especially
true in fast-growing emerging markets where customer needs often go
unmet by current offerings. The functionality of digital offerings is
limited, and consumers frequently highlight low customer service at
branches as a key pain point.
So how should banks think about a digital-only offer?
Because banking is a highly regulated industry and a stronghold of
conservative corporate culture, there are tremendous internal
complexities that need to be addressed. These include the
cannibalization risk to existing businesses and the need to foster a
different, more agile culture to enable the incubation and growth of an
in-house “start-up.” The good news is that our work shows it is feasible
to build a new digital bank at substantially lower capex and lower opex
per customer than for traditional banks (Exhibit 1). This is due not
only to the absence of physical branches but also to simplified up-front
product offerings and more streamlined processes, such as the use of
vendor-hosted solutions and selective IT investment, that reduce the
need for expensive legacy systems.
Exhibit 1
We strive to provide individuals with
disabilities equal access to our website. If you would like information
about this content we will be happy to work with you. Please email us
Six success factors to build digital-banking businesses
Based on our experience helping more than 20 institutions evaluate,
design, and build new digital-banking businesses, we have identified six
critical success factors that banks will need to address to ensure a
quick and successful launch.
1. Focus on where the real value is
Launching a successful new business requires complete clarity about
what its value drivers are. While this might seem like an obvious point,
we find it is often overlooked. Instead, there is a temptation to copy
or replicate existing models. For instance, mBank, Poland’s first
digital bank, has succeeded by offering consumers access to unsecured
personal loans and other simple products. It’s a model that works in
countries like Poland and the Czech Republic, where credit cards aren’t
popular, but may not be successful in some other markets.
Banks also tend to take the view that one solution can work for an
entire region. Unfortunately, this approach misses significant value
opportunities. A granular, country-by-country analysis of revenue per
retail banking customer, for example, reveals significant differences in
product opportunities (Exhibit 2). Breaking it down further by
different customer segments or sub-segments highlights even starker
differences that can inform a business strategy. Some 43 percent of
banking customers in Taiwan, for instance, are open to
digital-investment options versus just 17 percent in Australia.
Exhibit 2
We strive to provide individuals with
disabilities equal access to our website. If you would like information
about this content we will be happy to work with you. Please email us
Another critical element that varies by country is the state of
regulation (for example, the requirements for paper-based documents and
forms) and the associated infrastructure (such as the availability of a
universal national ID). China, for instance, has become a leading
innovator in digital banking in part because of a favorable regulatory
2. Constantly test to refine the customer experience
Launching a successful new digital-banking business requires a
marriage of traditional consumer research and a deep, real-time
understanding of the behavior and pain points of individual customers.
This means a constant and rapid stream of prototypes starting with the
Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and subsequent iterations in order to
figure out what will make the customer experience superior across all
touchpoints. This sort of “real life” testing is critical for
identifying what customers actually value as opposed to what they might
say they value. It also yields up to 70 percent fewer defects and
One company, for instance, approached the creation of a
digital-banking business targeted at emerging-markets millennials with a
hypothesis that it would be critical to allow customers to sign in with
their social-media accounts. Deeper interviews with customers and many
versions of the prototype (100 to 150 screens for structured consumer
research and feedback loops) revealed this was not true. On the
contrary, urban and educated millennials have significant security and
privacy concerns about any link between their finances and social
networks. So instead of the social media sign-in, the team embedded
visual security cues into the customer-onboarding process.
3. Organize for creativity, flexibility, and speed
Building a business using a constantly iterative approach requires a
way of working that banks typically aren’t used to. There are three
areas where a different way of operating needs to be nurtured.
Cross-team collaboration. The core group building the
digital bank should have a solid understanding of not just the new
technology architecture, but also of the bank’s design and brand and the
economics of its business model. This includes full-time members, as
well as temporary talent in critical areas, such as compliance. From
here, the team can gradually scale up to include more staff from
technology departments. Portugal-based digital bank Activobank, for
example, started with a management team of six to eight people during
the design of the digital business model and then scaled up to more than
30 during implementation (excluding line/operational roles).
A ‘garage like’ working environment. While an actual
garage isn’t necessary, a physical space that provides a nurturing
environment for creative thinking and prototyping is. This means open
spaces, plenty of whiteboards and worktables where people can congregate
and work together, as well as habits that foster innovation, such as
so-called sprints. In a sprint, all the individuals involved in the
development of a digital bank—developers, IT-security, compliance,
risk-assessment, and marketing staff who understand the needs of the
customer—get together in one room for several live brainstorming
sessions. Instead of the lengthy back and forth that normally happens
between departments, this allows for quick and efficient decisions about
the technical specifications of the product. This process can truly
deliver acceleration to working results. Sprints—from whiteboard to
working version of the product—can happen in as little as four weeks. On
average, companies see a 27 percent higher development productivity.5
For example, Orange Bank took approximately eight months from strategy
to launch of version 1.0 of its digital offering, prioritizing time to
market and limiting changes required to their core banking system.
Additionally, they were able to quickly scale up, acquiring up to
800,000 customers in the first eight months of operations. One critical
requirement and advantage of this approach for banks is the way it
allows compliance and risk-assessment staff to get in the room early and
take on the roles of enablers and problem solvers, instead of
gatekeepers who are often looped in only after plans are well under way
or even completed.
A central ‘control tower’ team. Launching a digital bank
is a juggling act, with multiple miniprojects running at the same time,
such as a new credit card, decisions about hiring, development of the
organizational structure, and the creation of a brand. It is the job of
the control-tower team to make sure all these projects are coordinated
by moving resources to necessary teams quickly or prioritizing
initiatives so that timeline targets can be met. The team must work to
identify bottlenecks—such as vendors who don’t respond rapidly enough to
requests or IT not having enough storage capacity for data—and then
either quickly resolve them or refer the problems upward to the CEO or
the board.
The members of this team should be exceptional project managers
with experience running large-scale projects, a high comfort level with
agile development and sprints, a good working knowledge of the big
picture, and a clear understanding of relevant regulatory issues.
4. Create an ecosystem of partnerships
Successfully launching a new digital-banking business requires
quickly acquiring a critical mass of customers. Two industries with
large amounts of digital customers who can help the process are
e-commerce marketplaces and telecommunications. E-commerce players can
be useful partners because they present an opportunity for banks to
create lending services for the site’s existing customers, both
consumers and small and medium-size merchants. There’s a clear benefit
for the e-commerce player, too, since easy access to financing on an
e-commerce site is an enticement for working-capital-constrained,
rapidly growing small businesses to keep selling on that site. Likewise,
if consumers know there is financing available, decisions to buy
large-ticket items such as refrigerators or TVs become much easier.
The success of Alibaba’s Ant Financial in China, which serves small
businesses and has grown into a $20 billion business in two years,
illustrates the value of a bank/e-commerce union. Offering simple ways
to get loans, Ant Financial has rapidly become one of the biggest
lenders to small businesses in China. Although now owned by Alibaba, it
originally started as a partnership with CCB and ICBC in 2007.
5. Build a two-speed IT operating model
To implement the test-and-learn approach and short release cycles
that are so critical for launching and operating a competitive digital
bank, two different yet integrated IT systems are needed: the
traditional, slower, secure and stable, transaction-focused legacy back
end and a rapid, flexible, customer-centric front end.
The customer front end should be designed by small, nimble product
teams (usually fewer than ten people) using an agile, sprint-based
development approach. Software release cycles for these customer-facing
elements should be modular and designed for quick deployment,
prioritizing a minimum viable solution that will evolve over time.
To reduce the time needed to build the two-pronged system, a
combination of customized and out-of-the-box functionalities can be
used. One new digital player combined existing functionalities from
their front-end provider, such as peer-to-peer payments, with new
features that consumers care about but to which they don’t have a lot of
access, such as personal-finance modules where they can track their
expenses and set savings goals.
To the extent that the existing IT architecture and regulatory
framework allow, a variable-cost model should be considered, such as
cloud-based system or data-storage solutions. A number of solution
providers are expanding into emerging markets to offer competitive
alternatives to traditional high-capex investments in data centers.
Adopting a cloud-based solution allows a new digital player to scale up
its cost structure along with revenues, thus achieving a faster
breakeven point. It also adds further flexibility, especially if the
architecture is designed with open APIs to enable collaboration with
potential financial-technology partners who already operate from a
cloud-based environment.
6. Get creative with marketing
Since digital-only banks don’t have the same customer-acquisition
opportunities as legacy banks with branch networks, marketing is a major
cost, representing 25 to 35 percent of total operating expenses. This
is true even for legacy banks that create digital start-ups, since the
new entities must clearly differentiate their brand and value
proposition from the parent operations’ if they want to be successful.
Digital-only banks will likely be targeting a younger, more digitally
savvy customer than incumbent banks. AirBank, for instance, which
launched in the Czech Republic without the backing of an existing bank,
tagged itself as the “first bank you will like” and promised that all
customer communications would be jargon-free and all fees clearly
outlined in one simple document.
To communicate such distinct selling points cost-effectively, banks
must cultivate word-of-mouth recommendations and feedback through social
media. This entails going after customers in a much more targeted way
than banks are used to, both with an understanding of how to maximize
value according to geographic distinctions (focusing on Twitter in
Jakarta and WeChat in China, for instance) and specific customer niches
(for example, buying ads on Facebook for millennials who play golf).
One particularly creative marketing example is a promotion that
China’s successful messaging app Tencent’s WeChat ran during the Chinese
New Year holiday in 2014. To promote its WeChat Payment service, which
allows peer-to-peer transfer and electronic bill payment, the company
launched an app that allows users to send a specific amount of money to a
certain number of friends, with the app randomly assigning the money.
To redeem and see how much money you were sent, recipients had to sign
up for a WeChat account. WeChat’s virtual envelopes went viral because
they added an element of suspense to the tradition of giving gifts of
money in red envelopes during the New Year. In two days, the company got
200 million of its existing and new users to link their bank cards to
their account, a feat that took Alibaba’s Alipay eight years.
Launching a new digital-banking business enables banks to rapidly
drive value creation. A combination of leveraging smart technology
solutions and incorporating the critical success factors outlined above
can help banks do this in an accelerated manner.
ISTILAH PERBANKAN YG JARANG DIKETAHUI PUBLIK Mengenal swift dan standar S.W.I.F.T (SOCIETY OF WORLDWIDE INTERBANK FINANCIAL TELECOMMUNICATION) S.W.I.F.T. CUSTOMER TRANSFER AND CHECKS FILE. Message Type (MT.1xx.) MT 101 : Request for transfer MT 102 : Mass Payments Message MT 102+: Mass Payments Message MT 103 : Single Customer Credit Transfer MT 103+: Single Customer Credit Transfer MT 104 : Customer Direct Debit MT 105 : Edifact Envelope MT 106 : Edifact Envelope MT 107 : General Direct Debit Message MT 110 : Advice of Cheque MT 111 : Request for Stop Payment of a Cheque MT 112 : Status of a Request for Stop Payment of a Cheque MT 121 : Multiple Interbank Funds Transfer (EDIFACT FINPAY Message) MT 190 : Advice of Charges, Interest, and Other Adjustments MT 191 : Request for Payment of Charges, Interest, and Other Expenses MT 192 : Request for Cancellation MT 195 : Queries MT 196 : Answers MT 198 : Pr...
Pengertian SOP Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) adalah dokumen yang berkaitan dengan prosedur yang dilakukan secara kronologis untuk menyelesaikan suatu pekerjaan yang bertujuan untuk memperoleh hasil kerja yang paling efektif dari para pekerja dengan biaya yang serendah-rendahnya. SOP biasanya terdiri dari manfaat, kapan dibuat atau direvisi, metode penulisan prosedur, serta dilengkapi oleh bagan flowchart di bagian akhir (Laksmi, 2008:52). Setiap perusahaan bagaimanapun bentuk dan apapun jenisnya, membutuhkan sebuah panduan untuk menjalankan tugas dan fungsi setiap elemen atau unit perusahaan. Standar Prosedur Operasional (SPO) adalah sistem yang disusun untuk memudahkan, merapihkan dan menertibkan pekerjaan. Sistem ini berisi urutan proses melakukan pekerjaan dari awal sampai akhir. Berikut beberapa pengertian SOP dari beberapa sumber buku: Standar Operasional Prosedur (SOP) merupakan panduan yang digunakan untuk memastika...
Benefits of digital banking in 2020